Let’s take a look at painting the splinter camo pattern on this M31 Zeltbahn that Otto is wearing. I must say upfront that I would not want to paint a whole outfit in a camo pattern. With my way of painting, this would be waaaaay to time consuming and I’m not sure I’d be able […]

Almost a year ago I thought to myself that it is a pity that most WW2 tabletop miniatures are really not of the highest quality. If you enjoy the paining part of our hobby, this can be a bit disappointing sometimes. Enjoying the painting side of the hobby so much myself, I decided that I […]
More Warlord Germanz with Maxmini heads

Managed to complete this small squad of Germans where I used Warlord miniatures, but swapped out the heads for these here from Maxmini. The guy on the left was already finished last year and I had already posted pictures of him. So, what’s next? The next miniatures that I have started are especially exciting for […]
Hermann, the (rather big-headed) German

Last weekend a few miniature freaks from the area around Frankfurt got together at my place and spent a nice and sunny Sunday afternoon in the basement painting tiny (and in some cases slightly bigger) miniatures. When I prepared the painter’s meetup in the morning, I noticed a few heads from maxmini.eu which I had […]
Angry-looking dude from Heer46 & Nocturna Models

So, I have prepared two new projects to work on. First, this angry little dude from Heer46 just hit my workbench: And second, a 70mm miniature from Nocturna Models: Luna’s Soldier. I’ll just call her Luna and she is going to be my next shot at a showcase level paintjob. Her arm that is holding […]
Bolt Action – More goodness from Heer46

And another Heer46 German that joins the ranks of my small unit of painted man. š Again, the sculpt was fun to work with – not much preparation needed as there were pretty much no mold lines visible. After my recent Germans all had some camo wear, I decided to go for a more plain […]
Bolt Action – New Germans incoming

Heer46 is about to start their Indiegogo campaign “German Army at Kharkov – The Last Victory in the East” and I was one of the lucky few who already got their hands on some of the miniatures (Thanks Denis!). The sculpts are really very nice for 28mm Wargaming miniatures and also in terms of quality […]
Spring in Russia – Bolt Action Battlefield Pictures

Spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon with friends playing Bolt Action and having a BBQ. Some impressions from the our small scenario which had ~800 points on each side – Germans vs. Russians. The Germans defended a little village somewhere in Western Russia 1943 and the Russians tried to cut this German resistance pocket off in […]
Bolt Action – Mission marker and more Germans

Two more Germans are completed and while I was finishing up their bases, I also slapped paint on an allied mission marker which I had already prepared for painting and sitting next to my workbench for months. I am pretty happy with how the model below came out. What I like about ArtizanDesigns models are […]
WIP update (US airborne bust, Bolt Action Germans)

This weekend has been really good in terms of finding time for painting. Spend a few hours on the US airborne on Saturday. I made good progress with the hand grenade, the first aid kit and the field gear which is going to be attached to his belt. Still tons of work to do: backpack, […]