In this post, we delve into a scene from the classic war film “A Bridge Too Far” that’s as surprising as it is historically significant. Our newest release depicts two key figures – the determined General Wilhelm Bittrich and his ever-present aide. The Backdrop: Arnhem Under Siege Operation Market Garden, a bold Allied airborne operation […]
Meet the Heroes: Friedhelm and the Wolf

We have some exciting news for you! Starting January, a new vignette capturing an iconic scene from the German miniseries “Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter” (internationally known as “Generation War”) will be available in our collection. This time, we’ve chosen to depict the encounter between Friedhelm and the wolf in the forest. A Glimpse into the […]
Meet the Heroes: German Unteroffizier Kaffeekanne (“coffee pot”)

German actor, Gert Fröbe, plays Unteroffizier Kaffeekanne (”coffee pot”) in the movie “The Longest Day”. He is one of the first German soldiers to see the massive allied invasion fleet with his own eyes… The movie One of the WW2 movie classics that you should check out. Don’t expect the most realistic or historically accurate […]
Meet the Heroes: German Officer – Hans von Luck

Hans–Ulrich Freiherr von Luck und Witten (15 July 1911 – 1 August 1997), usually shortened to Hans von Luck, was a German officer in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II. Luck served with the 7th Panzer Division and 21st Panzer Division.He saw action in Poland, France, the Soviet Union, North Africa and […]
The Story of Otto Funk and Klaus Schuh

Otto Funk and Klaus Schuh were working together as a machine gun crew on the Western Front with the special SS unit, SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend” in the summer of 1944. Both were given the Iron Cross for knocking out a Canadian Churchill tank with just an MG-42 machine gun. With no other weapon at their disposal, […]
The Story of Hauptsturmführer Fritz Klingenberg

Fritz Klingenberg (17 December 1912 – 23 March 1945) was a German officer in the Waffen-SS who served with the SS Division Das Reich and was a commander of the SS Division Götzvon Berlichingen. He was best known for his role in the capture of the Yugoslavian capital, Belgrade for which he was awarded the […]
Meet the Heroes: Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was an Austrian SS-Obersturmbannführer during World War 2. He was involved in a string of operations, including the rescue mission for dictator Benito Mussolini. He led Operation Greif, in which German soldiers infiltrated enemy lines using their opponents’ languages, uniforms, and customs. By April 1943, he had been made head of German special […]
Meet the Heroes: German Hauptmann Günther Viezenz – Infantry Ace

There are those stories of WW2 that everyone knows and which have become famous and well-known through books, movies or TV-Series. But then there are other individuals from WW2 where not much is known besides their impressive achievements. We can only speculate about their personal stories and what kind of people they were. Günther Viezenz is […]
Meet the Heroes: German Brigadeführer & Generalmajor – Heinz Harmel

Born in 1906, Harmel volunteered for the SS-Verfügungstruppe (later known as the Waffen-SS) in 1935 and served as a company commander in the SS-Regiment “Der Führer”, with which he took part in the Battle of France in 1940. In 1941, he took part in the Balkans Campaign and Operation Barbarossa. In December 1941, he took […]
Meet the Heroes: German Fallschirmjäger Lieutenant – Erich Lepkowski

Erich Lepkowski became famous for “Lepkowski’s Prisonbreak”, which took place on 16 August 1944. During this raid on a POW camp, Lepkowski and his men went deep into territory held by Partisans of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) and by Americans in order to rescue 130 of their fellow Fallschirmjäger troops. Lepkowski’s raid […]