Krupp truck – WIP #3 and finish

Let’s keep going with the truck and push it over the finish line.
Previous parts of the step-by-step:
Working the wheels:
* Painted the wheels black with acrylics and the middle part of the wheels in dark grey
* Sealed with satin varnish
* Applied different shades of brown pigment to the wheels and then put on plenty of thinner with a brush in a circular motion
* After drying I rubbed off some of the pigment with a brush
* Dry-brushed the outer parts of the wheels with Humbrol dark-grey




* Scraped some of the edges with a graphite pencil to imitate some metal shining through


* At this point I also used a brush loaded with very thinned down Vallejo acrylic buff color and an airbrush to apply splatter marks to the wheels and some of the area around them
Some closer looks of the progress so far:



Lastly, I cut out some clear plastic sheet for the driver window. I then masked it and sprayed a very thin layer of dark yellow to simulate dust on the window.



With this, I decided to stop the paintjob. Yes, there would be loads more to do if I wanted to make this a showcase piece. However, I am planning to use it on the table for Bolt Action, so at this point I am pleased enough with it.
Hope you like it:





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