Welcome to part #2 of my article series about painting different WW2 camo patterns. If you have missed part #1 where I explain how to paint Palmenmuster (palm tree) camo in Autumn/Winter colors, take a look here: http://stoessisheroes.com/step-by-step-painting-palmenmuster-palm-tree-camouflage-in-autumn-colors/. In this article, I will show you step-by-step how I am painting an Eichenlaubmuster (oak leaf) camo, but […]
Step-by-step – Painting Palmenmuster (palm tree) camouflage in Autumn colors
Here we go with the first part of the long awaited series on how to paint German WW2 camouflage patterns. We’ll start with the Palmenmuster (palm tree) camo pattern for Autumn, so predominantly in brown and orange colors. I am not claiming that my way of painting camo patterns is the best way or the most […]
Painting Liudmylla… step-by-step
As this miniature was started as part of a painting jam with a few friends in my basement, I didn’t take any pictures of the first steps, except the first one below. At this stage I had painted most of the face already and I had applied a thin layer of Russian Green for the […]
Step-by-Step… painting Canadian Highlander Harold
Before I dive into this new step-by-step article, let me point out that there are A LOT of similarities between the way how I painted up Harold and how I painted up Roy. So feel free to take a look at the step-by-step for Roy as well, as I might be going into more details […]
Step-by-step…. painting US Officer Drumpf
While I was on holiday in Italy with my wife, there were a few days of rain and that meant using the brushes and colors that I had brought along. 🙂 Donny Drumpf was chosen as the next target and off we go: I started off with the Khaki-Yellowish uniform with the following colors: MC887 […]
Step-by-step… painting Hans
Started with a German Grey base color. Well diluted… should take a couple of layers to cover. The way I am applying the color is to drag the diluted paint across the area where I am painting and to push that small drop of paint into a fold or a corner or something where the […]
Step-by-step…. painting Roy
So Roy is the first miniature from Wave 2 which I decided to paint. Such a lovely sculpt and a lot of fun while painting. Here is a step-by-step for how I tried to make Roy come to life: 1) Started off with a base of Green Brown (MC879) and Green Ochre (MC914). Mixed in […]
Krupp truck – WIP #3 and finish
Let’s keep going with the truck and push it over the finish line. Previous parts of the step-by-step: Part #1 Part #2 Working the wheels: * Painted the wheels black with acrylics and the middle part of the wheels in dark grey * Sealed with satin varnish * Applied different shades of brown pigment to […]
Krupp L3H – For a truck full of Germans (WIP Part #2)
Previously on Stoessi’s Heroes: WIPs part #1 for the Krupp truck To intensify the dusting, I applied various mixes of pigment with a dry brush. Next, I soaked the area with thinner from MIG or turpentine. Once that dried, I worked with brush, fingers and cotton tips to remove some of the pigment in those […]
Krupp L3H – For a truck full of Germans (WIP #1)
After painting quite a bit of German infantry in the past few months, I decided that it’s time to give them some wheels. Yes, I know… a regular truck is not the most impressive vehicle that the Wehrmacht had to offer, but I really like the model and it had been sitting around fully assembled […]