After having posted most of these pictures here and there on Facebook and Instagram already, I thought it be nice to basically compile all the stuff that I have been working on during the past few weeks. I definitely have a productive phase right now. Let’s hope this doesn’t change anytime soon. 🙂 I painted […]
Meet the Heroes: US Marine Corps Corporal Tony Stein

US Marine Corps Corporal Tony Stein customized a .30 caliber M1919 Browning machine gun from a wrecked Navy fighter plane into a highly effective personal machine gun nicknamed “Stinger”. He landed on Iwo Jima February 19, 1945 with his unit and in the assault, he destroyed multiple pillboxes. The Stinger’s high rate of fire led […]
Stoessi’s Personal Projects: Reinforcements for my US Airborne

After coming back from the personal coaching with Ben Komets, I really wanted to practice the main technique that he had shown me… the loaded brush! 🙂 In essence it is a wet-blending technique where you have a well diluted base color in the reservoir of your brush and a little bit of white color […]
Meet the Heroes: Lt. Col. Charles Carpenter aka “Bazooka Charlie”

Charles “Bazooka Charlie” Carpenter was famous for his usage of this plane against tanks and armored vehicles. Armed with Bazookas, he was credited with the destruction of 14 tanks (Two Tigers), several armored vehicles, and killing dozens of German soldiers. Here is the miniature that Stoessi’s Heroes is releasing to honour Charles Carpenter: Let’s talk […]
Stoessi’s US Airborne army @ Scale Model Challenge

This was my entry for the “Armies on display” competition at Scale Model Challenge. Finished the display board really last minute and had less then a week to get from zero to done.Really happy that I took a bronze medal home for my little army. One more interesting fact of my trip to Eindhoven was […]
Step-by-step…. painting US Officer Drumpf

While I was on holiday in Italy with my wife, there were a few days of rain and that meant using the brushes and colors that I had brought along. 🙂 Donny Drumpf was chosen as the next target and off we go: I started off with the Khaki-Yellowish uniform with the following colors: MC887 […]
Stoessi’s Heroes Update: US Officer Donny

It is time again for an update from Stoessi’s Heroes: This time around we’ve got another one for the US boys. Meet Donny Drumpf who is here to shake things up with those Krauts!

The casts have finally arrived and I am happy to announce the second Stoessi’s Heroes release just in time for Tactica in Hamburg. PFC Miller, US Glider Infantry, Operation Market Garden 1944 If you are interested in a copy, it’s €5,90 + shipping.
US Glider Infantry – Sneak Peak

The first Stoessi’s Heroes miniature release is approaching! Waiting for the remaining casts to arrive from Brother Vinnie, but for some reason he’s gone silent on me. I really hope to get my first own production ready for sales within the next few weeks. Proper pics of the “promo” paint job next week. Let me […]
Duke of Bavaria 2015 – Boy, what an awesome event

This year’s Duke of Bavaria miniature painting event in Ingolstadt, the south of Germany, took place over the weekend. The Duke is an event that has gone through an evolution of being a pure historical miniature painting event to welcoming Fantasy and Sci-Fi painters over the years. As a result you get a really cool and […]