Officer Phil is finally done. Hope you like him. No special effects like Amy’s pantyhose pattern on this one here. The black trousers were a good exercise though as black & white are always a bit more challenging to get right. The next survivor that I started painting yesterday also wears black trousers AND a […]
Author: Thomas Stoesser
Zombicide Amy

Work and travel has kept me from painting, but as I was doing painting demonstrations at the Dice & Bayonets wargaming convention in Speyer, Germany, I still managed to finish up the next survivor miniature for Zombicide. Two more survivors to go and I’ll have the first set from Zombicide Season 1 all painted up […]
Bolt Action – More goodness from Heer46

And another Heer46 German that joins the ranks of my small unit of painted man. 🙂 Again, the sculpt was fun to work with – not much preparation needed as there were pretty much no mold lines visible. After my recent Germans all had some camo wear, I decided to go for a more plain […]
Bolt Action – New Germans incoming

Heer46 is about to start their Indiegogo campaign “German Army at Kharkov – The Last Victory in the East” and I was one of the lucky few who already got their hands on some of the miniatures (Thanks Denis!). The sculpts are really very nice for 28mm Wargaming miniatures and also in terms of quality […]
Zombicide again – Ned exits the workbench and enters the stage

More Zombicide incoming with Ned, the crazy guy who carries a cooking pan on his belt.
Finally, the final pictures: Nutsplanet US Airborne Bust

Without much further commenting, the final pictures of my Nutsplanet US airborne bust: If you like this bust, you should take a look at the other works from this sculptor, Jun-Sik Ahn, His works are amazing! If you are on Putty&Paint, you can vote for this piece right here.
Duke of Bavaria 2015 – Boy, what an awesome event

This year’s Duke of Bavaria miniature painting event in Ingolstadt, the south of Germany, took place over the weekend. The Duke is an event that has gone through an evolution of being a pure historical miniature painting event to welcoming Fantasy and Sci-Fi painters over the years. As a result you get a really cool and […]
Spring in Russia – Bolt Action Battlefield Pictures

Spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon with friends playing Bolt Action and having a BBQ. Some impressions from the our small scenario which had ~800 points on each side – Germans vs. Russians. The Germans defended a little village somewhere in Western Russia 1943 and the Russians tried to cut this German resistance pocket off in […]
Zombicide – Wanda across the finish line

Second one down with Wanda, only four more to go. A couple more shots from the last WIP stage before I finished her:
More Zombicide coming up – Wanda WIP

I decided to go for a few fast paintjobs next and those remaining Zombicide Survivors found their way onto my workbench. Wanda: Calling the face done. Yes, there are mold lines all over the miniature. Doesn’t matter. It’s for a board game after all. 😉 Final shot of the whole bunch that are on my […]