Update from Stoessi’s HQ

Alright then, time for some news from Stoessi’s HQ:

Some of you might have noticed that I have slowed down a bit in terms of showing teasers with pictures of upcoming models that I have underway. That is not because I have no new stuff to show you. In fact, I have almost 40 new models lined up for and most of these sculpts are ready for production.

The reason why I have slowed down is because the production process (mold creation + white metal casting) has been going very slow. After many delays I have now decided to work with someone else to get my casts done, so I am hoping that I will actually have casts of new miniatures ready soon.

In the meantime, I am trying to finish up as much as possible from the current projects on my workbench:

Donny Drumpf v2

I started him a couple of weeks ago when I was holding a small painting workshop for a day. I did not really try to paint something historically accurate, so he does look a bit like he is from the Gucci Brigade. 🙂

Captain Barbarica

This guy was the result of the advanced painting class with Roman Lappat (Jarhead)  in Germany this weekend. If you are interested in learning more about colors and how to create color concepts in order to create a specific atmosphere go and sign up for this class. I learned shitloads and highly recommend it!!

Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures during the weekend, but I’ll link to Roman’s review post on MassiveVoodoo once he has put it online.

Well, Warhammer-Weib Tara Green has posted a pretty cool and detailed review of the class. Check it out: http://warhammer-weib-miniatures.blogspot.de/2017/05/jars-advanced-painting-class-review.html

This morning, just before my dog Nero and I left for a walk, we had a fantastic idea and had to capture that moment:

Now here is today’s progress working on our bloody genius idea. Captain Barbarica with a looted MP40! 🙂

And finally I have a few vehicles on the workbench right now. I think the SDKFZ, the M5 Stuart and the Jeep will be finished in a couple of days.

You’ll also notice that I have two “censored” miniatures on the workbench…. those are new STOESSI’S HEROES and I’ll post them later this week.

3 Replies to “Update from Stoessi’s HQ”

  1. Ady MacDonald-Rice says: Reply

    looking good, love the change to Captain Barbarica. Sometimes the dog has the best idea in my house to, it usually means walkies down by the beach followed by special dog ice cream 🙂

  2. I heared there are some Walkers shambling around in Stoessi HQ.
    Can’t wait to see you painting all the zombies and Survivors. Or at least one cool scene ?

    cya ??

  3. […] So, let’s talk about the two “mystery miniatures” from my last workbench-update post. […]

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