Quick shots from the workbench: Jedi Puppies in WW2 camouflage

Sometime last year I had promised to work on tutorials for painting different German camouflage patterns and here you can see a few pre-view pics of the work that I am doing for the first tutorial on Autumn Palmtree pattern (Palmenmuster) and Autumn pea dot pattern (Erbsenmuster). I thought it would be fun to piggyback on some of the current Star Wars buzz because of Rogue One, so I didn’t just go for good old German soldiers for the painting:

Put down ze knives beffor someone getz hurt!

My plan is to paint the Jedi boys in Autumn colors and the girlies in Spring/Summer colors. I haven’t started the girls yet, but I am hoping to have everything done in time before my new Stoessi’s Heroes miniature releases come out.

Have fun with the teaser pictures for the camo painting tutorial in the meantime:

By the way, if you haven’t checked out my Facebook group “Stoessi’s Heroes Observation Post” yet, you really should take a look. I have posted quite a few sneak peek pictures of upcoming miniature releases there…

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