CONflict Wargame und Tabletop Convention – possibly the hottest event this year

Last weekend I drove up to the small town of Langenfeld, where the guys from Wardogs organized a new event for the first time: CONflict Rheinland

I have to say that I am glad I didn’t go to RPC in Cologne instead as this was truly a beautiful, little gem event which has A LOT of potential for the future. The tables were ALL fantastic, people were super-relaxed (and possibly tired from the heat during this “hottest weekend of the year so far“) and the organizers did pretty much everything right in order to make everyone feel right at home. 🙂

As I didn’t take many pictures (yeah, I know…) , you’ll have to check out the Zinnkameraden Blog and CONflict’s Facebook page.

My pictures can really be summarized with the word loot:

A gift from Hendrik from Wardogs Rheinland. I absolutely love their howling war dog design as it is really versatile…

Behold the Afro-Sheep! 🙂

Finally bought a nice big pile of Heer46 Winter Germans, a PaK40 with Crew and a PaK43 Scheunentor. Also got one of his German tank hunter weapons sets that I was looking for. Yay!

So, I know this might be cheesy, but I am going to do it anyway:

Special thanks to Thorsten & Torsten from Wardogs for organizing CONflict Rheinland!

To Evy und Tobi from Team Würfelkrieg for building and presenting a beautiful Normandy town table (we need pictures of it!! :))

Carsten from Tight Head Prop Painting Studio for feeding me with BBQ and beer all weekend!

And of course to all the other nice people who were there (Martin, Kerstin, Thomas, Steffen, Tariq, Dennis, Mo, Mario, Sebastian, Markus, etc.)

Update: Great picture series from Team Würfelkrieg on Facebook.

2 Replies to “CONflict Wargame und Tabletop Convention – possibly the hottest event this year”

  1. Yeah CONflict was definately a really cool event and it didn’t hurt that there was RPC at the same time. Will try to make it to CONflict next year again.

    It’s always a pleasure to meet Tobi, Evy and of course you, Stoessi ?

    But I have to say RPC was pretty cool as well.


  2. You are absolutely right – so many nice tables, nice peoples on site and the organizers have just made a perfect job..

    And Donald and even the Canadian sniper will reinforce my G.I.´s for Operation Torch 😉

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