German actor, Gert Fröbe, plays Unteroffizier Kaffeekanne (”coffee pot”) in the movie “The Longest Day”. He is one of the first German soldiers to see the massive allied invasion fleet with his own eyes…
The movie
One of the WW2 movie classics that you should check out. Don’t expect the most realistic or historically accurate film in the world. It is worth watching though.
I found this article here quite entertaining (56 movie mistakes in The Longest Day):
The actor

Gert Fröbe was born in Oberplanitz, today part of Zwickau. He was initially a violinist, but he abandoned it for Kabarett and theatre work.
He joined the Nazi Party in 1929 at the age of 16 and left in 1937. After his party membership became known, Israel banned Fröbe’s films until a Jewish survivor revealed that his and his mother’s life were probably saved when Fröbe hid them from the Nazis. In September 1944, the Nazis closed down theatres in Germany and he was drafted into the German Army, where he served until the end of World War II.
Our Version of Unteroffizier Kaffeekanne

Kaffeekanne is available in our shop and via our resellers.
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