Lots of updates and new stuff (Crisis, new logo, new miniatures, new resellers and lot of other things)

Right, let’s see. The last update on my blog happened about 4 weeks ago and it’s not like nothing happened in the meantime. If you follow my page on Facebook, you have already seen a lot of what has happened in the past month.
I don’t want to discriminate the non-Facebook internet users, so let’s take a look at the past few weeks in summary
In case you are wondering why it took me so long to finally post all the following updates on my blog… multiples attacks of the man-flu kept me from doing much:
Let’s go!
1) Beginning of November I was at Crisis in Antwerp and it was my first time running a booth (co-running together with Elmar from Elladan – Check out his cool GoT-style miniatures and his fantastic tutorial on creating fur terrain) at a trade show. Really good experience which definitely made me looking forward to the next opportunity.




Had lots of fun, met some cool new people and talked to a few more people about reselling Stoessi’s Heroes outside of Germany, which leads me directly to
2) New resellers. 🙂 
I met Stuart from Great Escape Games in Antwerp and I am really excited that he now carries all of the heroes from my current rang for sale in the UK. Go, check out his store which is really pretty much a candy store if you are into WW2 and Pulp tabletop miniatures and games.
I also met one of the coolest ladies in our hobby: Annie, the Dice Bag Lady. I can only urge you to check out her store and also her Kickstarter that is running for a few more hours.
Annie is all about believable female hero miniatures and I LOVE the female Russian WW2 range that she has in her store. Naturally, my Lyudmilla became a nice addition to Annie’s store. 🙂
The next new online store that is carrying Stoessi’s Heroes is Kings Hobbies and Games and Tim, who is running the show is also a real machine when it comes to 3D printing tanks, vehicles and artillery or even whole Normandy-style houses (they are soo on my wish-list!!).
Tim is also currently running a Kickstarter for modern warfare miniatures: Benghazi Contractors!
That is a lot of information, you say? That is nothing! I have more for you:
3) The Stoessi’s Heroes logos, etc. don’t look anymore like a drunk German did them on a free Saturday afternoon all by himself and all by watching Photoshop tutorials. That’s right! I have new, shiny logos and you can expect cool Stoessi’s Heroes buttons, badges and bottle-openers soon. 🙂



Oh, and you can finally reach Stoessi’s Heroes via
Crazy… I know!
4) I’ve been on TV… on Tabletop-Basement TV to be more specific:
If you are a German-speaker (sorry, German only), grab a drink and some chips and watch the interview with me. 🙂
Another interview and a Bolt Action battle report with me will soon also be published from the Tabletop Gorillas in Germany. These dudes are seriously cool and funny. Again, if you understand German, check out their site.
Well, I didn’t get to paint too much as I had waaaay too much other stuff to do  and also because this nasty, ever-lasting cold wouldn’t let me go, but at least I made a little bit of progress on Lyudmilla and Harold:


Note that on Harold I am also trying a new technique (at least new for me). Part of the painting was done without a wet palette and with an empty painkiller blister as you can see below. I will provide a detailed step-by-step and also share my thoughts on this kind of painting where I am diluting colors a lot less and where I am essentially trying to do more wet-blending on the miniature. Fun stuff, but still needs a lot more practice!


6) Last, but not least and actually the most exciting part: NEW MINIATURES 
I have a ton of new miniatures in the pipeline. YAY!
So you’ve already seen the pre-views for Lt. Col. John Frost and Major Carlyle, right?
What if I told you that there are another 8 new heroes in the pipeline? I don’t want to spoil too much already, but here are a few hints of what is coming:
* A British Paratrooper that brought a very special friend with him to Market Garden
* One US Airborne who led them all the way to Hitler’s home
* Another US Airborne who led the most epic charge on Carentan
* A German Panzer Ace that inspired the character of Oddball
* A Japanese Officer that held out longer than everyone else
* A remarkable British gentlemen from the North-African theatre
* And a deadly and determined woman that gave the Germans a lot of grief
Feel free to put your guesses in the comments section! Let’s see who comes up with the right names.
So, long post with lots of info and if you have made it so far, I have one more piece of eye candy for you. This was my display at Scale Model Challenge in the category “Historical Master” (yes, choosing this category that was a bit too confident). Didn’t win anything, but it still looked pretty cool.



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