Banshee’s painting workshop in Pfungstadt, Germany – What a blast!

I had the honor of hosting a painting workshop with the talented and famous Alfonso Giraldes aka Banshee at my place. Man, what a blast that was: Tons of really good input on colors and color theory, a great group of people and last but not least a big motivational push just by hanging out with guys that are really enthusiastic about our hobby.

People getting ready for the big painting class with Alfonso…

We had no idea how hard we’d get hit with new insights into colors and how they work

Beautiful Boudica bust from Origen Art. Lucky did such a nice paintjob on it!

Uli’s highlander bust which he used to practice and copy Kyrill’s version. Looking very good so far. Will be awesome once it is done.

More goodness from Uli’s WIPs

Lucky’s works

A first glimpse of working with colors. Important points to remember: The palette must be big. You can lighten/shade any color with any other color. 

Lucky and Jan preparing for one of the many exercises that Alfonso gave us

The Maestro himself. 🙂

Matthias aka DerSkuggan

People being very focused and listening to Alfonso…

Well, maybe not everyone is so focused. 😉

Hansrainer and Fabian busy with their busts.

Jan and Chris from Hamburg 

Mix them, David, mix them!

Uli and Juppi so far in “the zone” that they are oblivious of their surroundings..

Lucky and Sebastian


And the whole mad painters bunch together.
Thanks again to all of you guys as you made it a great experience which I will gladly remember for a long time.

4 Replies to “Banshee’s painting workshop in Pfungstadt, Germany – What a blast!”

  1. Hi Thomas, thanks for sharing the photos and write-up. I'm feeling so envious. Looks like a intense workshop. Hate to say this; wished I was there.Missed my chance by a few last attendees if I remember correctly. Do keep me posted if there are any such workshop in future. Stay in touch my friend.


  2. Hi Julian,
    Yes, it would have been great to have you there, but it was already pretty tight in terms of space with the amount of attendees that we had. Sorry man… :S.
    Definitely stay in touch and if something new comes up I will let you know!

  3. Thomas, thank you so much for the write up of the class! It makes me even more excited to take Alfonso's class in March! Do you have any advice for someone attending to get prepared and come to learn as much as they can??

    1. Yes, I think I can: Bring a notebook – not the thingy for the internet… the other one ;). You will need it to take notes which I think you really should. I didn't take nearly enough notes which now doesn't allow me to go back to all the great input that Alfonso gave us. You will also need it for some exercises on paper that Alfonso is going to do with you. Make sure it is properly sized and not too small. Also, bring primary colors as you will be using those a lot together with black and white. Apart from that, come as open minded to the class as possible. Don't go there thinking "I want to learn a blending technique". In this class you will learn fundamentals of colors, their properties and how they react when combined. Everyone that I know who has attended the class was blown away. 🙂

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