Wer wir sind

Stoessi’s Heroes – Thomas Stoesser

Waldstr. 38

64404 Bickenbach


VAT ID: DE305887260


In 2014 I thought to myself that it is a pity that most WW2 tabletop miniatures are really not of the highest quality. If you enjoy the painting part of our hobby, this can be a bit disappointing sometimes.

Enjoying the painting side of the hobby so much myself, I decided that I would look into producing a few high-quality pieces that I could use for my Bolt Action armies and which would certainly be a pleasure to paint.

Stoessi’s Heroes is for anyone who loves painting as much as gaming. Looking forward to seeing painted versions of my miniatures from other crazy guys like myself. šŸ™‚

– Thomas “Stoessi” Stoesser

Chief Hero Officer